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So the year 2013 is coming to an end and you’re already thinking about all your New Year’s Resolutions and what you want to achieve in 2014. You want to quit smoking, lose weight or do that online course. But after the initial motivational high of the first 2-3 weeks in January wears off, you start bailing on yourself and the day-to-day struggle with discipline kicks in. In February, you are back to normal, eating a kebab on the subway, drinking cheap coffee and you “simply don’t have the time” for studying.

If you want your 2014 to be more successful than 2013, read on and share this email with your friends!

See you in 2014!
Your Dominion team


Having a look back over the past year is the first step to making 2014 a success. Take out a piece of paper and write down what you achieved and what wasn’t so good about 2013. By doing that, you not only get a feeling of achievement, but you will also have a clear blueprint for judging how well 2014 went when the year ends.


After analyzing the previous year, it’s time to decide what you want to improve in 2014. Be sure not to burden yourself with too many ambitious goals. It is more likely that you will achieve your goals if you concentrate on 2-3 goals, rather than wanting to change everything at once.

  Be specific

Get specific! To say you “want to work out more” or “learn a language” doesn’t cut it. You need to be specific. Say you will “work out 3 times a week and lose 5 kilos by February 15.”


Writing down what you want to achieve is only half the battle. Now you actually need to follow through. Start by taking small steps to get you warmed up. Instead of thinking you will never understand how to develop Mobile Web Apps, start by taking the first unit of the course.

  Keep Track

After an initial motivational high you will notice your drive deplete. To keep you in the game, track your achievements. You can either write it on a piece of paper or use a digital app (i.e. Evernote, Lift or Chains). By keeping track of your achievements, you will see that even if it doesn’t feel like it, you are making progress!

Do Not Quit

If it happens that you slip and leave out a workout, don’t quit! It’s not over yet and it is perfectly normal to feel like you need to bail from time to time. The only thing that counts is that you get back at it. So dust yourself off and get back on the horse, because as they say, “Quitters never win and winners never quit”!

  Share with Friends

To get some leverage, tell your friends about your plans! Even better, ask them to follow your example and write down their goals for 2014. Then you can support each other in the hard times (and there will certainly be a few!) and celebrate the successes!

Ambassadors and treaties

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A great ambassador doesn’t show up in a foreign land and start complaining about how everything here is so different. She doesn’t insist that people start acting the way they act back home. And most of all, she welcomes the idea that people might have different goals and desires than the people she grew up with–in fact, different than she has.

And every great treaty causes both signatories to change something substantial, something important, in exchange for accomplishing a bigger goal via cooperation.

Your customers need an ambassador. Someone who is open to hearing what they have, need and want, not merely a marketer intent on selling them a particular point of view. Once you understand someone, it’s much easier to bring them something that benefits everyone.

And your partners need you to honor the spirit and intent of the deals you do with them. The goal of a long-term relationship isn’t to find the loophole that lets you do what you want. Instead, figure out what you’re giving up and what you’re getting in return.

Companies (and countries) often under-invest in ambassadors and under-value the promises they make in treaties. In the connection economy, it now makes sense to over-invest instead.

Online Distance Learning Courses for International Students

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Distant learning can be described as an opportunity to pursue any study course even when a student is not physically present in a traditional classroom setting. Online distance learning has enabled students (residing in different parts of the world) to pursue any course of their choice at any international university that offers online courses.

There are so many options to choose before you decide you should review your reasons for opting for online distant learning course.

Pros and cons of distant learning:

Pros: The biggest pro of online distant learning is you that do not have to be physically present in a classroom to receive education, if lives away from the study centre. You, yourself fix time for your studying as the material is at your disposal and you are not bound to a classroom schedule. It’s an amazing opportunity for professionals, who want to pursue new courses to increase their knowledge about new skills, as well as for people with restricted mobility (handicapped, injured etc) and women with responsibility to look after small children or elderly at home.

Cons: Due to internet it is easier to stay in touch with classmates and teachers via emails and online chat, but it’s a poor substitute for personal interaction. You might also miss out on campus fun and party activities etc. If you are one of those people who can’t keep up with their learning schedule and needs to be pushed to compete work. Then online learning isn’t for you.
Not everyone views distant learning as an advantage to students. However, saying that distant learning has more cons than pros would be wrong. And before you make the decision to enroll in any online distant learning program, you should be clear about your objective to do so.

Below we have mentioned some of the international university that provides students across the world with an opportunity to pursue courses online.

University of Oxford: One of the most prestigious universities in the world, Oxford University offers international students an opportunity to purse various short and long term and professional courses online.
More than 60 study (short term, long term and professional) courses are offered to students desirous of studying online art Oxford University. Some of courses offered are: creative writing, ecology, archaeology, architectural history, computing, Spanish, teaching skills, law, literature, Italian, human rights, history of arts, local history etc.
For more information on course and date of online application visit Oxford’s official website and click “view all online & distant learning classes” to find the course you are interested in.

Brighton School of Business and Management: Brighton School of Business and Management offers professionals across the globe opportunity to further sharpen their skills by offering various online distant learning courses.
From short term management courses to professional development to management and postgraduate courses are available in educational, professional and career development fields for those interested.
Visiting the official website of Brighton School of Business and Management will provide you with all the courses that can be studied and which one you would like to purse.

Atlantic International University: Various online distant learning courses are offered by the Atlantic International University for those who are interested in pursuing studies at bachelor, master’s and doctoral level.
At Bachelor Level, one can pursue courses such as Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Business Administration and Bachelor of Science. At Masters Level, Master of Art, Master of Business Administration and Master of Science are offered. And at Doctorate Level Doctor of Arts, Doctor of Business Administration, Doctor of Science and PhD Doctor of Philosophy are offered. For more information on courses and how to get started, visit

University of Exeter: University of Exeter too offers numerous courses for those who cannot attendant classes in person at the university. For such students and to widen its reach in educational sphere, university has started online distant learning plan. At the University of Exeter courses such Art History, Creative Writing, Egyptology, Film, Literature, Interdisciplinary, Environmental Studies and Archaeology etc are being offered to international students online.
To get in depth information on courses and last date of applying visit Universities official website

Harvard University Extension School: Numerous online courses are being offered by Harvard University Extension School to help students and professionals across the globe to widen their educational horizons. Courses are divided in two formats, fall and spring semesters, giving students’ choice to enroll when they can spare time for studying.
By browsing through you can easily find out all about the courses offered in fall and spring semesters.

The Chifley Business School: offers business and management training courses across Australia and internationally. The group offers short courses to nationally accredited certificate to diploma program to postgraduate programs etc., giving professionals’ world over freedom to pursue management studies (MBA) via distant learning program. (

Walden University: in the U.S. is another accredited university that provides students chance to purse higher studies online. Walden is well-known for offering online courses such as Masters, PhD & Doctorate degrees, Public Administration, Nursing training, Business etc. (

International Career Institute: offers courses at diploma, certificate and advanced diploma level in subjects such as marketing, business management, human resources, fashion design, journalism, hospitality management, photography etc. (

All these courses offered by some of the reputed educational institutions in the world provides international students with amazing opportunity to enhance their professional skills further that too without having to attend classes in person.

Another amazing opportunity to pursue study courses online is being provided by offered by top US universities such as Yale ( and Stanford University ( Also, Stanford University recently announced five free online courses and intends to increase the number in future.

Recently, edX, a boom in the world of online learners recently announced as a joint venture of MIT and Harvard University. Edx will serve as the base of new learning system. It will offer online courses with video lessons, quizzes, online laboratory etc . Both the universities are expecting the involvement of other universities in future which results in the accumulation of diversified educational content of many universities in a single website , It will help the students to access the course content of various universities via a single site. Because of its worldwide availability and modest fee it will soon acquire high rank in the choice list of the online learners. Keep yourself updated with upcoming courses and edX news and avail the best opportunity at edX

Beside these universities there are many other universities in this queue. Various courses are offered by the reputed educational institutions in the world to provide an opportunity to national and international students to enhance their professional skills further and upgrade their studies without having to attend classes in person.


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The future belongs to people who can spread ideas.

Here are ten things to remember:

1. Create a cause. A cause seizes the moral high ground and makes people’s lives better.

2. Love the cause. “Evangelist” isn’t a job title. It’s a way of life. If you don’t love a cause, you can’t evangelize it.

3. Look for agnostics, ignore atheists. It’s too hard to convert people who deny your cause. Look for people who are supportive or neutral instead.

4. Localize the pain. Never describe your cause by using terms like “revolutionary” and “paradigm shifting.” Instead, explain how it helps a person.

5. Let people test drive the cause. Let people try your cause, take it home, download it, and then decide if it’s right for them.

6. Learn to give a demo. A person simply cannot evangelize a product if she cannot demo it.

7. Provide a safe first step. Don’t put up any big hurdles in the beginning of the process. The path to adopting a cause needs a slippery slope.

8. Ignore pedigrees. Don’t focus on the people with big titles and big reputations. Help anyone who can help you.

9. Never tell a lie. Credibility is everything for an evangelist. Tell the truth—even if it hurts. Actually, especially if it hurts.

10. Remember your friends. Be nice to the people on the way up because you might see them again on the way down.



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Management isn’t natural.

I don’t mean that it’s weird or toxic just that it doesn’t emanate from nature. “Management” isn’t a tree or a river.

It’s a telegraph or a transistor radio. Somebody invented it. And over time, most inventions – from the candle to the cotton gin to the compact disc – lose their usefulness.

Management is great if you want people to comply – to do specific things a certain way. But it stinks if you want people to engage – to think big or give the world something it didn’t know it was missing.

For creative, complex, conceptual challenges – i.e, what most of us now do for a living—40 years of research in behavioral science and human motivation says that self-direction works better. And that requires autonomy. Lots of it.

If we want engagement, and the mediocrity busting results it produces, we have to make sure people have autonomy over the four most important aspects of their work:

Task – What they do

Time – When they do it

Technique – How they do it

Team – Whom they do it with.

After a decade of truly spectacular underachievement, what we need now is less management and more freedom – fewer individual automatons and more autonomous individuals. This is a Lesson I have learned from a man I truly think is a great leader and a man I see myself working with for the many years to come.


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We are all on a search – a search for more meaning in our lives.

Through choosing to enrich other people’s lives, you add meaning to both their life and your own.
Some simple steps to follow:

1. Commit: Commit to lifetime-relationships that span events, companies, causes and geographic boundaries.

2. Care: Care for the concerns of others as if they are your own.

3. Connect: Aim to connect those who will benefit and enrich each other’s lives in equal measure.

4. Communicate: Communicate candidly. Tell people what they should hear rather than what they want to hear.

5. Expand Capacity: Aim to expand people’s capacity to help them give and get more from their own lives.

The Litmus Test: If you are truly enriching someone’s life, they will typically miss you in their past. They think their lives would have been even better if they had met you earlier.

You are only as rich as the the enrichment you bring to the world around you.